06 Agencies

We Are o6 Agencies.

As a rapidly growing company, o6 Agencies has made its mark and risen to success by firmly rooting itself in the Southern and Eastern African market.

The company prides itself on placing human connection at the centre of its business and ensuring customer service is never overlooked.

By treating their clients as though they’re not only number one, but the only one, o6 has built up a legacy of trust in offering fragrances and flavour that captivate the market and ensure longevity and brand loyalty.

The team is constantly evolving and innovating to ensure customers not only purchase, but return again, and again. Their young, enthusiastic and driven company has built a reputation for having super-fast turnaround lead times and offering world-class service.

Finest Fragrance

We are driven to forever develop influential, captivating and truly authentic fine fragrances that redefine the senses.

Sensational Flavour

For most people, the sense of taste diminishes over time. Through new taste sensations, we’re here to bring it back.


We hold a selection of perfume bottles, labels, almost everything you will need to get your product off the ground.

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